Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I wasn't expecting much from MORNING GLORY, a $31 Million grossing movie from Paramount, since it seemed to be in and out of theatres so quickly. However, I adored the film.  I'm a huge fan of Rachel McAdams (from THE NOTEBOOK) and will see anything she is in, which is why I bought this DVD. I totally fell in love with the story, Rachel's character, and the romance between her and Patrick Wilson's character in the film. I have also never seen so much of myself in a character on screen before, which made me smile.

The film starts off when Becky Fuller (Rachel McAdams) is out on a date in NJ and she references one of my stomping grounds back home, Matthew's diner in Waldwick! Being a former Jersey-girl, and still one at heart, I immediately fell for the film. Becky works at "Good Morning New Jersey," a local morning show, as a producer and has her dreams set high on becoming the show's exectuive producer. She knows she is a natural born leader and has worked hard to move up the ladder in the TV business. When she is called into her boss's office everyone expects her to receive a big raise and promotion but to everyone's surprise she is actually fired. This is a turning point for her as she is forced to leave the "nest" and seek out a bigger life.

The conversation between Becky and her mom after she loses her job pulled at my heartstrings.  Her mom tells her that her dream was cute when she was a kid but it is now an embarrassment because she has not yet achieved it and soon her path could lead to heart break. I felt so much for Becky as so many of us are told to give up on our dreams, expecially if we have not achieved them by a certain age. In true Jersey girl fashion, Becky is way too strong and driven to give up and she makes incessant calls for job openings. 

While I saw myself in this character from the opening scene, I also noticed the same  "Go Confidently in the Direction of your Dreams" mug on her nightstand, which allowed me to relate most to her persistence in her career. When she lost her first job that she loved and moved to the Big Apple for her dream, I had a similar experience when I moved to Los Angeles for mine. I couldn't help but smile at how confident Becky is in her career and her ability to perservere. I have always had this sense of inner drive and confidence without ever knowing where it came from and it is what has led me to success over and over again. In my career I feel as though I can achieve anything. Becky is the same in this movie as she sets out to accomplish the impossible in TV. I have always loved and agreed with Les Brown's quote: “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.”

Becky continues to be one of the quirkiest characters we have seen on screen in ages and dazzles us with her clutziness, over-sharing, endless energy, creativity, intelligence, big smiles, and persistence.  She is a self-admitted rambler and puts her career before everything and everyone else, sometimes to her own detriment as she starts a new relationship with Adam (Patrick Wilson).

Again, the projections I saw and parallels to my life were continual and so I could not help but identify with the lessons in the film to slow down, never give up, and be clear about your priorities with others.  One of my favorite parts was when she learns to put her phone in the freezer when it starts to ring off the hook with work! How many times have we all wanted to do this?! I believe that we can all learn ways to unwire and unplug from the constant demands of others so we can be more present with ourselves and our loved ones.

This film is not only heartwarming, refreshingly unique, sweet and touching but also hilarious. I laughed quite a few times at the clever one-liners and the ridiculous characters. It is clear that Becky and her team at Daybreak are underdogs, especially next to the giant Today Show and yet they become a close-knit family helping each other open up in new ways.  The casting of the two co-anchors that host the morning show, Diane Keaton, who plays Colleen, and Harrison Ford who plays Mike, is superb and it's great to see these acting giants supporting Rachel McAdams as the star. 

My favorite message from the film is that while we can accomplish our dreams at work, we are really here to create connections with each other.  Becky's relationship with Mike is comical, troubled and endearing but she helps him to become a better man.  She opens up a part of Colleen that was ready to come out and play, and she not only saves her co-workers but also inspires them at the same time.  The film and Becky's work are truly meaningful because of the bonds created and the transformation that occurs. 

I turned off this movie with a big smile on my face, acknowledging my own quirkiness, and knowing there is hope for my love life even when I have workaholic tendencies.  I felt secure and happy remembering that I can achieve anything I want in my career with my drive, confidence and a dash of my good-ole strong Jersey girl work ethic and attitude! :)  I hope people continue to see this film because it is not only fun but also has a great message, especially for women in their careers.

Entertain, Enlighten, Inspire,
Kate Neligan
Founder & CEO of Synergy TV and Mindful Media Entertainment